Online Survey

Valued ASUS Member, We thank you for supporting ASUS. This questionnaire was designed by ASUS to better understand your needs. We place great value on the information and feedback you provide. Please rest assured that the results you provide in this questionnaire are only given to ASUS for analysis.
  • Just a reminder: the questionnaire below is composed of a total of 11 multiple choice questions. We look forward to receiving your opinion and feedback for each question.
1. Do you have a computer? (If so, which brand did you purchase?)
2. Have you ever purchased ASUS products? (If so, please select which product(s) you purchased, you can choose multiple items.)
3. Will you consider buying a computer in the next half year? (If so, which kind will you choose?)
4. When you purchase a computer, where do you obtain your main source of information?
5. Which three key areas influence your final decision when buying a computer? (Choose three items.)
  • For the following situations, how do they accord with the level of your actual experience?(Answer on a scale of 1 to 7 according to how it fits with your experience, 1 being dissimilar and 7 being extremely similar.)
6. I have a fuller experience than my fellow friends when using computer software and hardware.
7. Whenever I have a computer problem to solve, I often rely on my own exploration and learning.
8. New digital technology often motivates me to learn about it and use it.
9. I will buy any new technology product that attracts my interest and has been put on the market in the last three months.
10. When I buy computer products, I will first think of ASUS.
11. When relatives or friends want to purchase 3C, they will ask for my opinion.